
허지연Ji Yeun Hur
- 소속 생명과학과
- 연구실원천관 205호
- 이메일 hurji@ajou.ac.kr
- 내선번호2548
- Neuroscience, Alzheimer's disease
- 2010.05 Karolinska Inst Stockholm 박사
2022 – 현재 아주대학교 조교수 2019 – 2022 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Senior Research Scientist 2016 – 2019 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Research Associate 2011 – 2016 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Research Fellow 2010 – 2011 Karolinska Institutet, Postdoctoral Fellow
- [논문] 허지연, Gamma-secretase in Alzheimers dissease, EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, Vol.54, No.4, pp. 433-446 (04월, 2022)
- [논문] 허지연, Innate immunity protein IFITM3 in Alzheimer’s disease., DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY, pp. 1351-1355 (11월, 2021)
- [논문] 허지연, Georgia R. Frost, Alan E. Renton, Alison Goate, Andrew McKenzie, Bianca T. Esposito, Bin Zhang, Chen Ming, Christina Crump, Douglas S. Johnson, Eitan Wong, Eliezer Masliah, Ivy Trinh, Jen Chyong Wang, Julia TCW, Ketherine R. Sadleir, Lei Guo, Marilia Barros, Minghui Wang, Paul Greengard, Pengju Nie, Robert A. Rissman, Robert Vassar, Si Jia Pan, Thomas Li, Xianxiao Zhou, Xianzhong Wu, Yong Kim, Yotam Sagi, Yujia Zhai, Yue-Ming Li, The innate immunity protein IFITM3 modulates gamma-secretase in Alzheimer’s disease. , Nature, Vol.586, No.7831, pp. 735-740 (10월, 2020)
- [논문] Mitsuhiro Inoue, 허지연, Bengt Winblad, Birgitta Wiehager, Lars O. Tjernberg, Natsuko G Yamamoto, Taizo Ishikawa, Takahiro Kihara, Yasuhiro Teranishi , Sophia Schedin-Weiss, Human brain proteins showing neuron-specific interactions with gamma-secretase. , FEBS Journal , Vol.282, No.14, pp. 2587-2599 (04월, 2015)
- [논문] 허지연, A Dedeoglu, H Li, H Li, H Zheng, H Zhu, I Carreras, M Mwamburi, M Wallack, N Kowall, R Fine, RA Stern, X Sun, X Wang, WQ Qiu, Intraperitoneal injection of the pancreatic peptide amylin potently reduces behavioral impairment and brain amyloid pathology in murine models of Alzheimer’s disease. , Molecular Psychiatry , Vol.20, No.2, pp. 252-262 (02월, 2015)
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- [논문] 허지연, Gamma-secretase in Alzheimers dissease, EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, Vol.54, No.4, pp. 433-446 (4월, 2022)
- [논문] 허지연, Innate immunity protein IFITM3 in Alzheimer’s disease., DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY, pp. 1351-1355 (11월, 2021)
- [논문] 허지연, Georgia R. Frost, Alan E. Renton, Alison Goate, Andrew McKenzie, Bianca T. Esposito, Bin Zhang, Chen Ming, Christina Crump, Douglas S. Johnson, Eitan Wong, Eliezer Masliah, Ivy Trinh, Jen Chyong Wang, Julia TCW, Ketherine R. Sadleir, Lei Guo, Marilia Barros, Minghui Wang, Paul Greengard, Pengju Nie, Robert A. Rissman, Robert Vassar, Si Jia Pan, Thomas Li, Xianxiao Zhou, Xianzhong Wu, Yong Kim, Yotam Sagi, Yujia Zhai, Yue-Ming Li, The innate immunity protein IFITM3 modulates gamma-secretase in Alzheimer’s disease. , Nature, Vol.586, No.7831, pp. 735-740 (10월, 2020)